Performance in prime locations is higher in Porto than in Lisbon, Madrid or Barcelona. In return, incomes are lower. That Porto is fashionable is no longer news to anyone. But, to what extent is it a good investment? And what are the preferred sectors? If there were any doubts about the potential of the region, some data are enlightening. According to the director general of Predibisa, a real estate consultant specialized in the North market, Porto raised more than 1 billion euros in institutional investment between 2000 and 2016. When compared with other main cities of the Iberian Peninsula, such as Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona, Invicta also features premium prime yields and lower rents.

Porto is on the international investment route, and among the most profitable types of real estate investment in Porto are services, offices, real estate for local tourist accommodation, hotels and student residences, and in the commercial sector , street stores, retail parks and shopping centers. Also profitable are investments in the areas of industry and logistics and long-term rental housing.

Read more (in portuguese): Companies have invested more than 1 billion euros in Greater Porto since 2000

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