Promoted by the ExPERts Research Project (Making sense of planning expertise: housing policy and the role of experts in the Special Rehabilitation Program - PER), it will be held next Monday, January 8, at the ICS (Sedas Auditorium Nunes), between 9:00 am and 6:30 p.m., the 1st Housing Forum Debate.

Under the motto «Absences Past, Future Presences», the debate program integrates four panels and the respective opening and closing sessions, with the participation of José Luís Cardoso and Marco Allegra (Opening); Isabel Guerra and Nuno Serra (Panel 1 - 'What happened?', Moderated by Eduardo Ascenção); Isabel Raposo, Rita Silva, and Maria João Freitas (Panel 2 - "Who Was It?" Moderated by Rita Cachado); Ana Pinho, Paula Marques and Jorge Malheiros (Panel 3- «Future | What will be ?, moderated by Simone Tulumello); Helena Roseta, Alexandra Gesta and António Brito Guterres (Panel 4- «Future | For and with whom will be ?, in moderation of Ana Estevens). The closing will be in charge of João Ferrão. Appear.

Read more (in portuguese): Housing Forum: «Previous Absences, Future Presences»

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