In August 2018, the value under management of collective investment undertakings in transferable securities (UCITS) amounted to 11,020.3 million euros, down 98.2 million euros (0.9%) than in July. In the alternative investment organizations (OIA), the monthly amount under management decreased by 4.1% to € 823.7 million.

The value of investments in shares of domestic issuers decreased by 2.9% compared to the previous month, while those of foreign issuers increased by 0.6%. With regard to public debt, the value of investments fell 3.2% in the national, but grew 1.9% in foreign. The value of bonds was unchanged in that of domestic issuers and fell by 0.4% in that of foreign issuers.

Read more: Periodic statistics - Monthly indicators of the securities investment funds

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