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IMOnews - Interest of investors will generate increase in property prices in the coming months

An increase in the volume and transaction price in the residential, commercial / services and hotel sectors is expected for the next three months, coupled with greater stability in the rates of return of the various sectors, according to Deloitte, the third edition of the study " Portuguese Real Estate Investment Survey ". This is because the real estate agents in Portugal in the third quarter of 2017 show their intention to reinforce their investment strategy (44%), in detriment of other strategies such as portfolio management (31%) or divestment (25%).

"In the perspective of the entities that intend to invest, the strategy is increasingly invested in 'value added' assets (69%), with the expectation that in the long term, they will be able to increase the flows generated by these assets. Conversely, assets classified as 'opportunistic deals' or 'core' lose importance in the investment intention, "Deloitte points out.

Read more (in portuguese): Interest of investors will generate increase in property prices in the coming months

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